Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Paris, Part Deux

Not too much more to add about Paris, but figured I would throw out a few more pictures to show the fun we have had and to also introduce my career change.... Ha.

Looking up the Eiffel Tower as we go to the sommet.  Luckily my recent bridge inspections have "cured" me of my previous nervousness of heights.

John and I enjoying a glass of champagne at the top.  While not cheap, definitely fun.

Ladies and Gentlemen... My new career?  I can't even begin to IMAGINE how someone could suspend themselves off the side of the Eiffel Tower.. but it's nice to know that someone has a strong enough stomach to do it and that they are making sure the tower is safe.

Just another sculpture at the Louvre, but one of my favorite ones.

And the obligatory bridge pictures of Paris.  Their bridges are so beautiful, so this is just a taste.

There is a memorial at the end of the Ile de la Cite.  It remembers the 200,000 French citizens that were deported and killed in the concentration camps during World War II.  Unfortunately it was closed when we were here, and I had been really wanting to see it ever since reading about it.  It seems as though it would be very powerful, and very beautiful.  It was also a very odd coincidence because I had just started reading Sarah's Key on our trip, which turns out is about the deportation of Paris Jews in 1942.  Next time we are in Paris I plan on making a trip over there to check out the memorial.

That pretty much sums up Paris.  I didn't accurately portray the delicious pastries, breads, and wines that we devoured, but I can tell you that they were all amazing!  And crepes... so many crepes... I finally was able to get my hands on a crepe with banana and nutella the night before we left.  It completed my Paris expectations.

And I am also happy to report that Pat and Martha both made it successfully through the Paris Metro system from the train station to the apartment we rented.... and from the train station to the airport.  It was a little touch and go (you need to retrieve your ticket from the machine for the doors to open - you do not need to push your bag against the closed gate frantically).... but they made it safely and soundly and I think not too scarred.

Next up - Italy!!

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